Career Education
in Kern County
Classes They Love. Futures You Want.

Kern High School District
We know you want the best for your child. You want to see them excited about learning. And you want them to be ready for life after high school, whether that involves a certificate, 2-year degree or 4-year degree. Our career education programs will motivate your child to learn, prepare them for college or training, and give them a headstart on a career. Your child could earn free college credit for some courses and/or satisfy some of the A-G requirements for admission to public colleges in California. Keep scrolling to explore your child’s future!
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agriscience A-G
Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Design, Visual, and Media Arts A-G
Business and Finance
Business Management

What does A-G mean? Where you see the A-G displayed, it means one or more courses in that pathway is designated an A-G course, helping to satisfy the eligibility requirements for admission to the CSU and UC state university systems.
What does DE mean? DE stands for dual enrollment. Where you see the DE displayed, it means that for one or more courses in that pathway students can earn both free high school and college credit that can transfer to any public college in California.
Click on an icon below to learn more about an industry sector
Take the
Reach out to a counselor at your child’s high school to ask questions and discuss career education options. Just visit your school’s website (click the school name at the top of this page to get there); find the Counseling Department page; and email or call a counselor to schedule a time to talk. Then you will be one step closer to classes your child will love – and a future you want for them!
Use the download button below to get a list of questions to ask your child’s counselor.