
Learn About Our Programs
Find the One that is Right For You!
Kern County High Schools have dozens of programs for exciting careers that you can start learning to do in high school. Start now and you can continue to study for a job you’ll love at a Community College near you!
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Ever wonder where the food you eat got its start? Maybe you like the idea of helping to produce food for our world or conserve natural resources. The Agriculture & Natural Resources path is a great place to start, with a variety of pathways that strengthen your connection to our world and its resources through agricultural careers. Courses cover agriculture, food and natural resources; sustainable agriculture; animal science; floral design and courses in agricultural mechanics, among others. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Bakersfield High
McFarland High
Delano High
Mira Monte High
Foothill High
North High
Frazier Mountain High
Ridgeview High
Frontier High
Rosamond High
Golden Valley High
Shafter High
Highland High
Taft Union High
Independence High
Wasco Union High
Kern Valley High
West High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
Porterville College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
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Arts, Media & Entertainment
Do you have a brain that loves to create? Arts, Media & Entertainment is an ideal pathway for your creativity. Graphic design, video production, web design – are all career paths within this pathway. Explore this path to find out just how much you can do once you learn how to use industry programs, such as Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign for graphic design, and techniques that lead to the best designs, videos and websites. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
Liberty High
Bakersfield High
McFarland High
Centennial High
North High
Cesar Chavez High
Ridgeview High
Delano High
Rosamond High
Desert Jr-Sr High
Shafter High
East Bakersfield High
South High
Foothill High
Stockdale High
Frazier Mountain High
Tehachapi High
Frontier High
Wasco Union High
Independence High
KHSD Regional Occupation Center
West High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
Cerro Coso College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
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Building & Construction Trades
Do you like to work with your hands? Do you like to build or fix things? Building & Construction Trades is where you have the chance to explore careers that have you up and moving a good part of your work day and solving problems in a hands-on way. Our courses will teach you how to use the tools of the trade and give you other basic skills. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
McFarland High
Bakersfield High
Burroughs High
North High
Centennial High
Robert F. Kennedy
Cesar Chavez High
Rosamond High
Delano High
Shafter High
East Bakersfield High
Taft Union High
Foothill High
Wasco Union High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
Cerro Coso College
Taft College
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Business & Finance
Are numbers your strength? Do you like the idea of being your own boss? Then your first stop is the Business & Finance pathway. It’s where you’ll learn the skills you need to manage your own business, giving you the building blocks to dream big. It offers a variety of courses, from introduction to business to virtual enterprise, computer programming and accounting. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
McFarland High
Bakersfield High
North High
Centennial High
Ridgeview High
Cesar Chavez High
Robert F. Kennedy
Delano High
Rosamond High
East Bakersfield High
Stockdale High
Foothill High
Taft Union High
Frontier High
Tehachapi High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
West High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield Adult School
Bakersfield College
Cerro Coso College
Porterville College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

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Education, Child Development & Family Services
Do you enjoy being around children? Do you like the idea of helping them grow? The Education, Child Care & Family Services pathway is a good place to start. It offers courses that teach you about child development and give you the skills you need to work with infants and young children at daycares or preschools. Explore this path if you see yourself working with children. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Cesar Chavez High
McFarland High
Delano High
Robert F. Kennedy
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Energy, Environment & Utilities
Do you like working with your hands? Do you consider yourself something who likes figuring out problems? If so, there are so many opportunities in the Energy, Environment and Utilities pathway. Architecture. Engineering. Electrical. Mechanical. Construction. All of these career areas are possibilities as you explore this pathway, which involves the efficient use of energy and alternative energy sources. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Independence High
Robert F. Kennedy
Taft Union High
West High
Finish at

Engineering & Architecture
Do you like sketching and drawing? Do you enjoy working collaboratively with others? Are you good with fine details? The Engineering & Architecture Pathway exposes you to careers that match those interests. Be introduced to architectural design or engineering and progress on to more in-depth college-prep courses. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Bakersfield High
Burroughs High
Liberty High
Centennial High
McFarland High
Cesar Chavez High
Mira Monte High
Delano High
North High
East Bakersfield High
Robert F. Kennedy
Foothill High
Shafter High
Frontier High
South High
Golden Valley High
Stockdale High
Tehachapi High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Fashion & Interior Design
Do you like to express ideas through your creations? Do you keep up with trends in fashion and décor? Fashion & Interior Design is definitely a place to start. This pathway allows you to bring your artistic vision to clothing designs and home interiors. Explore the possibilities with courses like Fashion Design & Merchandising. Offerings vary by school.
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
College of the Sequoias
San Joaquin Delta College
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Health Science & Medical Technology
Are you caring and compassionate? Do you like to help people? The Health Science & Medical Technology pathway introduces you to a range of health careers, including dental, veterinarian, emergency medical technician and nursing. Get a mix of classroom learning and workplace experience as you explore whether healthcare is the career field for you. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Burroughs High
Robert F. Kennedy
Centennial High
Rosamond High
Cesar Chavez High
Shafter High
Delano High
Stockdale High
East Bakersfield High
Tehachapi High
Highland High
Wasco Union High
Independence High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield Adult School
Bakersfield College
Cerro Coso College
Porterville College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation
Do you enjoy hosting events and serving up a good experience? Do you take pride in leaving a lasting impression? Then check out the Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation pathway. It’s all about providing a great experience for others through quality service. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Burroughs High
Cesar Chavez High
Taft Union High
Kern Valley High
Wasco Union High
McFarland High
Finish at

Information & Communication Technologies
Do you like to solve problems? Do you like to figure out how things work? The Information and Communication Technologies pathway introduces you to a variety of careers involving computers and the systems that keep them going day in, day out. Learn computer science principals and programming, among other topics. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
California City High
North High
Desert Jr-Sr High
Ridgeview High
East Bakersfield High
Rosamond High
Frazier Mountain High
Shafter High
Frontier High
South High
Highland High
Stockdale High
Independence High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Tehachapi High
Liberty High
Mira Monte High
West High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield Adult School
Bakersfield College
Cerro Coso College
Porterville College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Manufacturing & Product Development
Do you like to work with your hands? Do you like to build things? Do you enjoy working with computerized equipment? The Manufacturing & Product Development pathway will introduce you to careers that involve making products, from the things we use every day to more specialized products, like parts for airplanes. Learn a range of skills, such as welding and machining, while you learn how to read and make blueprints, among other skills. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
Mojave Jr-Sr High
Boron Jr-Sr High
Burroughs High
Robert F. Kennedy
Desert Jr-Sr High
Rosamond High
East Bakersfield High
Taft Union High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Tehachapi High
McFarland High
Wasco Union High
Finish at

Marketing, Sales & Services
Do you enjoy trying to get people to see your way? Maybe you’re a people person and like interacting with others. Explore the Marketing, Sales, and Services pathway for careers that draw on those skills. Get an introduction to retail sales, small business and entrepreneurship. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
California City High
Wasco Union High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Public Services
If you like the idea of serving your community and giving back, then the Public Services pathway is a good place to start. You will be introduced to careers such as criminal justice, firefighting and emergency medical services (EMS). Explore which public service career is your best fit. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Burroughs High
Frazier Mountain High
Taft Union High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Wasco Union High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
Taft College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet
Do you like to work with your hands? Do you like to fix stuff? The Transportation pathway is an opportunity to learn about careers in the automotive technology and aerospace. The courses give you an introduction to those fields through classroom instruction and hands-on experience. Offerings vary by school.
High Schools
Arvin High
Burroughs High
North High
KHSD Regional Occupational Center
Rosamond High
McFarland High
Taft Union High
Finish at

2 and 4 year Colleges
Bakersfield College
CSU Bakersfield
Where Can I Work? What Can I Do?

Fact Sheet